18 August 2020
3 min Reading Time

Karsan to Provide Training
for Occupations of the Future!
Karsan is Establishing an Electric Vehicles Laboratory!

A provider of modern urban mass transport solutions for more than half a century, the Turkish manufacturing giant Karsan continues to set examples with their collaborations in the fields of training and employment, beside firsts in manufacturing and exports. As part of their efforts to contribute to vocational training in the automotive industry, Karsan signed a “Protocol of Collaboration in Vocational and Technical Training” with Bursa Governorate and Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education. In the signing ceremony, Karsan CEO Okan Baş reported “Today is among our most exciting and merriest days, as we are now able to share our experience in the field of electric vehicles with our young friends, who are the skilled professionals of the future. We believe that every step, taken together, will create added value for our industry, as well as employment of women ”. The protocol embodies the collaboration for the purposes of establishing the “Karsan Technology Laboratory for Electric Vehicles” and training the qualified human resources required.

As the leading manufacturer of mass transport and commercial vehicles tailored to contemporary demands of mobility, Karsan set another precedent for the institutions and the establishments in the automotive industry. The Turkish manufacturer signed a “Protocol of Collaboration in Vocational and Technical Training” with Bursa Governorate and Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education. The protocol ceremony was held in Bursa Governor’s Building, and among participants there were very important figures such as Bursa Governor Yakup Canbolat, Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education Director Sabahattin Dülger, Karsan CEO Okan Baş, Industrial Operations Vice GM Alper Bulucu, HR Director Mücahit Korkut and Vocational Education for Provincial National Education Branch Director Bülent Altıntaş.

Karsan will continue to pioneer!

In his speech, Karsan CEO Okan Baş expressed that as a major player in the industry for more than half a century, Karsan carries many responsibilities beside professional operations. Baş continued to report that as part of these responsibilities, Karsan will enter new collaborations for the purposes of gender equality, better employment and education opportunities. Emphasizing that the protocol signed with Bursa Governorate and Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education is an embodiment of this purpose, Okan Baş also expressed that they were extremely glad to be a part of this large-scale collaboration, which brings industry’s professionals on the same grounds with the great minds in vocational education. Baş reported “Today is among our most exciting and merriest days, as we are now able to share our experience in the field of electric vehicles with our young friends, who are the skilled professionals of the future. We believe that every step, taken together, will create added value for our industry, as well as employment of women”.

Women employment will be supported!

The protocol embodies the collaboration for the purposes of establishing the “Karsan Technology Laboratory for Electric Vehicles” and training the qualified human resources required. A total of 20 students will be selected from 10th grades of vocational and technical Anatolian high schools for the project and at least 50% of these students are planned to be female, where the purpose is to set a precedent for contributions to women’s employment. The collaboration is also very important in that the students, who will study at and graduate from the Karsan Technology Laboratory for Electric Vehicles, will become individuals who will create added value in the future for the industry and for new technologies. The protocol also envisages designing of study fields in schools in collaboration with industry professionals and supporting the program’s graduates in their careers.