28 אוגוסט 2020

Karsan Invests in Spare Parts in Germany!
Karsan is Opening a Spare Parts Warehouse
in Nürnberg, Germany!

Karsan implemented an important project in order to expand its spare parts and after-sales service network in Europe. As part of the project, Karsan will open a spare parts warehouse in Nürnberg, Germany, and will be able to send spare parts to any point in Europe within 2 days. Stating that the warehouse will start operating as of September 1, Deputy General Manager of Karsan Commercial Affairs, Muzaffer Arpacıoğlu said, “We have commissioned another important investment in order to strengthen our after-sales service network in Europe and to enable our dealers to respond the requests in a very short time. Based on our experience of more than 50 years, we know that after-sales customer support has a significant role in being preferred as well as brand reliability. This structure will position us much closer to our customers than ever.”

Offering modern solutions that can adapt to every city with the public transportation systems it has developed, Karsan continues to be the first choice of European cities with its conventional and electric buses, while expanding its spare parts and service network. Karsan, which has made another important investment in this direction, is preparing to open a spare parts warehouse in Nürnberg, Germany. Karsan will reduce the lead time of spare parts, especially parts of its electric vehicles, to 2 days thanks to the warehouse that will start operating on September 1. Thus, Karsan, which will send the required parts to all parts of Europe in a short time, aims to increase customer satisfaction by providing service with low cost in minimum time.

“We minimize distances”

Providing information on the subject, Deputy General Manager of Karsan Commercial Affairs, Muzaffer Arpacıoğlu said, “We continue to receive orders in significant quantities for both conventional and full electric models from Europe, which has started to recover after the Covid-19 outbreak. Accordingly, we have commissioned another important investment in order to strengthen our after-sales service network in Europe and to enable our dealers to respond the requests in a very short time. Based on our experience of more than 50 years, we know that after-sales customer support has a significant role in being preferred as well as brand reliability. Thanks to this structure will position us much closer to our customers than ever.”

Combining the forces with Barsan Global Logistics for on-site spare parts service, Karsan plans to multiply its operational power by taking advantage of Barsan’s warehouses and logistics network in 45 different countries in the future.